Patricia Nir
Patricia Nir joined ADDO Investor Relation in 2009 and has 20 years of investor relations, management consulting and finance experience. As Senior Vice President, Patricia works directly with growth-oriented Branded Consumer, Media, REIT and Financial Services clients in the pre and post-IPO stages of development providing a full suite of investor relations services, including the management of quarterly earnings conference calls, IR plans, marketing calendars, investor conferences, non-deal roadshows and develops IR-related content including the investor website, investor presentations and press releases. Prior to joining ADDO, Patricia was a Senior Associate at ICR’s California office from 2003-2009, where she supported a variety of investor relations programs for Branded Consumer and Internet & e-Commerce companies. Patricia received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Finance from California State University Northridge.
”It’s truly a blessing to be surrounded by hard working, motivated teammates who you enjoy seeing every day – our clients are great too! I like the variety and different industries we support. I find it really rewarding and motivating being in front of c-level management and assisting with the strategic planning and implementation of their ir program while serving as an interface with the investment community.
Patricia Nir